
Nonlinear PP and PS joint inversion based on the exact Zoeppritz equations: a twostage procedure

摘要:S-velocity and density are very important parameters in distinguishing lithology and estimating other petrophysical properties. A reliable estimate of S-velocity and density is very difficult to obtain, even from long-offset gather data. Joint inversion of PP and PS data provides a promising strategy for stabilizing and improving the results of inversion in estimating elastic parameters and density. For 2D or 3D inversion, the trace-by-trace strategy is still the most widely used method although it often suffers from a lack of clarity because of its high efficiency, which is due to parallel computing. This paper describes a two-stage inversion method for nonlinear PP and PS joint inversion based on the exact Zoeppritz equations. There are several advantages for our proposed methods as follows: (1) Thanks to the exact Zoeppritz equation, our joint inversion method is applicable for wide angle amplitude-versus-angle inversion; (2) The use of both P-and S-wave information can further enhance the stability and accuracy of parameter estimation, especially for the S-velocity and density; (3) The two-stage inversion procedure proposed in this paper can achieve a good compromise between efficiency and precision. On the one hand, the trace-by-trace strategy used in the first stage can be processed in parallel so that it has high computational efficiency. On the other hand, to deal with the indistinctness of and undesired disturbances to the inversion results obtained from the first stage, we apply the second stagetotal variation (TV) regularization. By enforcing spatial and temporal constraints, the TV regularization stage deblurs the inversion results and leads to parameter estimation with greater precision. Notably, the computation consumption of the TV regularization stage can be ignored compared to the first stage because it is solved using the fast split Bregman iterations. Numerical examples using a well log and the Marmousi II model show that the proposed joint invers

关键字:joint inversion Zoeppritz equations TV regularization two-stage procedure


卷、期、页:卷: 15 期: 2 页: 397-410








论文概要:支丽霞,陈双全,宋宝山,李向阳,Nonlinear PP and PS joint inversion based on the exact Zoeppritz equations: a twostage procedure,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS AND ENGINEERING,2018,卷: 15 期: 2 页: 397-410

论文题目:Nonlinear PP and PS joint inversion based on the exact Zoeppritz equations: a twostage procedure