
Nonlinear PP and PS joint inversion based on the Zoeppritz equations

摘要:Density is an important parameter to distinguish lithology and estimate other petrophysical properties, such as porosity or fluid content. It is very difficult to estimate density reliably, even when using long-offset gathers in seismic data. Joint inversion of PP and PS data is a promising strategy for stabilizing and improving the results of inversion in estimating elastic parameters and density. This paper describes a strategy to explore nonlinear simultaneous PP and PS joint inversion based on the exact Zoeppritz equations. Thanks to the exact Zoeppritz equations, our joint inversion method is applicable to data sets with incident angles up to or beyond the critical angle, that is, useable for wide angle AVA inversion. To solve the highly nonlinear and ill-posed joint AVA inversion problem, the iterative regularizing Levenberg-Marquardt (IRLM) scheme is used, which can regularize the inversion problem within an algorithm that minimizes the misfit between the observed and the synthetic data at the same time. A comparison between joint inversion and PP-only inversion demonstrates that the joint inversion scheme based on the exact Zoeppritz equations can improve the quality of the subsurface parameter estimations, especially for the density term. The synthetic examples using a real field well-logging data and a Marmousi model also show that the proposed joint inversion is a reliable method, which is capable of accurately estimating the density parameter as well as P-wave velocity and S-wave velocity, even when the seismic data is noisy with signal-to-noise ratio (s/n) equal to 5. © 2016 SEG.


卷、期、页:v 35,p538-542




发表期刊名称:SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts




论文概要:宋宝山,支丽霞,陈双全,曾联波,李向阳,Nonlinear PP and PS joint inversion based on the Zoeppritz equations,SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts,2016,v 35,p538-542

论文题目:Nonlinear PP and PS joint inversion based on the Zoeppritz equations