
Time domain registration of P- and C-waves based on a dynamic time warping algorithm

摘要:As there is a difference of travel path and time between P-wave and converted-wave (C-wave), the kinematics and dynamics characteristic of these seismic waves from the same reflective subsurface layer will also be different. Therefore, event registration in P- and C-waves seismic datasets is a nonlinear inversion process. In this paper, based on the dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm, we propose a time registration method and real field processing workflow for the time domain matching of P- and C-waves. By reviewing the classical DTW algorithm, an improved algorithm is implemented for the seismic data time domain matching of P- and C-waves. For real field data processing, by setting a constant velocity ratio of P- and S-waves, the C-wave seismic data is first transferred to the P-wave time domain to meet the conditions of using the DTW algorithm. Then the time shifts will be inverted via the improved DTW algorithm. Finally, time domain matching of the P-wave and C-wave will be implemented by using the computed time shifts. The application of the proposed method and workflow to a real field multi-wave seismic exploration dataset indicates that is feasible to handle the nonlinear problem in the P- and C-waves seismic data time matching. Moreover, we can achieve a good matching result without using the events of P- and C-waves data to constrain the event registration processing.
© 2018 SEG.





发表期刊名称:2018 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG 2018




论文概要:张一琛,陈双全,曾联波,李向阳,Time domain registration of P- and C-waves based on a dynamic time warping algorithm,2018 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG 2018,2019,p2367-2371

论文题目:Time domain registration of P- and C-waves based on a dynamic time warping algorithm