- 所在单位:地球科学学院/盆地与油藏研究中心
- 所在学科:地质资源与地质工程
- 个人学位:博士
- 职称名称:岗位副教授
- 教师类别:专任教师
- 导师类型:硕士生导师
- 招生专业:地质资源与地质工程,地质工程
- 2013-10至2018-06, 德国德累斯顿工业大学, 水文地质, 博士研究生
- 2010-09至2013-03, 同济大学, 港口、海岸及近海工程, 硕士研究生
- 2006-09至2010-07, 中国石油大学(华东), 信息与计算科学, 大学本科
1 地热储工程和地热地质
2 地热资源评价和地下储能
3 地下环境多场耦合数值模拟
1. Huang Yonghui; Kong Yanlong; Cheng Yuanzhi; Zhang Jixiong; Zhu Chuanqing;
Wang Jiyang. (2023). Evaluating the long-term sustainability of geothermal energy utilization from deep coal mines[J]. Geothermics, 2023, 107: 102584.
2. Huang Yonghui; Pang Zhonghe; Kong Yanlong; Watanabe Norihiro. (2021).
Assessment of the high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES)
potential in naturally fractured geothermal reservoirs with a stochastic discrete
fracture network model. Journal of Hydrology, (603): 127188.
3. Huang Yonghui; Shao Haibing; Wieland Erich; Kolditz Olaf; Kosakowski Georg.
(2021). Two-phase transport in a cemented waste package considering
spatio-temporal evolution of chemical conditions. npj Materials Degradation, 5, 4.
4. Huang Yonghui; Shao Haibing ; Wieland Erich; Kolditz Olaf; Kosakowski Georg. (2018). A new approach to coupled two-phase reactive transport simulation for long-term degradation of concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 190: 805-829.
5. Huang Yonghui; Kolditz Olaf; Shao, Haibing*. (2015). Extending the persistent primary variable algorithm to simulate non-isothermal two-phase two-component flow with phase change phenomena. Geothermal Energy. 3. 13.