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Euler deconvolution of the analytic signals of gravity gradient tensor for underground horizontal pipeline

摘要:At present, there are few inversion methods for horizontal pipelines. In this paper, a data interpretation approach is applied to estimate the source parameters of underground horizontal ferromagnetic pipeline. The horizontal pipeline is divided into small pieces, and every piece can be regarded as a point mass to calculate the corresponding gravity gradient tensor. By superposition principle, the gravity gradient tensor of the whole pipeline is obtained. Euler deconvolution of the analytic signal of gravity gradient tensor can be solved by analytic signal instead of gravity field derivatives. The result shows that this method can estimate the source location accurately and draw the outline of horizontal pipeline effectively. Depending on high resolution and high sensitivity of gravity gradient tensor data, analytic signal has the advantage of determining the location of anomalies bodies. Euler deconvolution of the analytic signals of gravity gradient tensor is a geophysical inversion method which can estimate the boundary position of the source automatically or semi-automatically without a priori information, and eliminate the influences of structural index and background field.





发表期刊名称:78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016: Efficient Use of Technology - Unlocking Potential




论文概要:潘琦,刘得军,耿敏,程星,王新,Euler deconvolution of the analytic signals of gravity gradient tensor for underground horizontal pipeline,78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016: Efficient Use of Technology - Unlocking Potential,2016,

论文题目:Euler deconvolution of the analytic signals of gravity gradient tensor for underground horizontal pipeline
