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Investigation on synergistic deposition of wax and hydrates in waxy water-in-oil (W/O) flow systems

摘要:Elucidating the synergistic effect of wax and hydrates, involving formation, aggregation and deposition, is imperative to the operation and transportation safety for offshore petroleum fields. To understand the characteristics and mechanism of synergistic deposition of wax and hydrates, flow and deposition experiments of systems with different wax contents (0-2.89 wt%), initial flow rates, pressures and temperatures were conducted in a high pressure visual flow loop. According to the flow rate and pressure drop data as well as the visual window observation, four different types of plugging scenarios of wax-hydrate coexisting systems with different flow properties and wall deposition state were summarized, including rapid plugging, transition plugging, gradual plugging type I and gradual plugging type II. Compared with the wax-free system after hydrate formation, even with the addition of anti-agglomerant (AA) with the same concentration, wax-hydrate coexisting systems could not reach stable hydrate slurry flow state, indicating that the existence of wax deteriorated the performance of AA. Aside from the influence of wax crystals on hydrate agglomeration, it was found that wax deposition layer would alter the adhesion and bedding of hydrates, resulting in the variation of flow properties and wall deposition state. For low wax content systems (0.75 wt%) where rapid plugging occurred, the synergistic effect between wax and hydrates promoted the formation of wax-hydrate coupling aggregates, resulting in severe local deposition when the coupling aggregates attained critical deposition size and consequently decreasing flow rate, forming a vicious circle of decreasing transportability. Since bedding of coupling aggregates was hindered by the uniformly coated wax deposition layer on pipe wall, gradual plugging rather than rapid plugging occurred in medium wax content systems (1-1.25 wt%), predominately caused by the gradual increment in viscosity of waxy hydrate slurry. For relatively high wax content systems (2.89 wt %), hydrate formation and plugging did not occur, due to the insulation effect of wax deposition layer. A physical model for the synergistic deposition of wax and hydrates was also presented, which was meaningful to the development of a mathematical model for the prediction of blockage formation and risk analysis. (C) 2022 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.

关键字:Flow assurance; Wax; Hydrates; Flow properties; Synergistic deposition


卷、期、页:卷: 19期: 4页: 1840-1852









论文概要:柳扬,吕晓方,马千里,周诗岽,史博会,杜辉,雷云,于鹏飞,宋尚飞,宫敬,孙斌才,Investigation on synergistic deposition of wax and hydrates in waxy water-in-oil (W/O) flow systems,PETROLEUM SCIENCE,2022,卷: 19期: 4页: 1840-1852

论文题目:Investigation on synergistic deposition of wax and hydrates in waxy water-in-oil (W/O) flow systems


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