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Study on the Decomposition Mechanism of Natural Gas Hydrate Particles and Its Microscopic Agglomeration Characteristics

摘要:Research on hydrate dissociation mechanisms is critical to solving the issue of hydrate blockage and developing hydrate slurry transportation technology. Thus, in this paper, natural gas hydrate slurry decomposition experiments were investigated on a high-pressure hydrate experimental loop, which was equipped with two on-line particle analyzers: focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) and particle video microscope (PVM). First, it was observed from the PVM that different hydrate particles did not dissociate at the same time in the system, which indicated that the probability of hydrate particle dissociation depended on the particle's shape and size. Meanwhile, data from FBRM presented a periodic oscillating trend of the particle/droplet numbers and chord length during the hydrate slurry dissociation, which further demonstrated these micro hydrate particles/droplets were in a dynamic coupling process of breakage and agglomeration under the action of flow shear during the hydrate slurry dissociation. Then, the influences of flow rate, pressure, water-cut, and additive dosage on the particles chord length distribution during the hydrate decomposition were summarized. Moreover, two kinds of particle chord length treatment methods (the average un-weighted and squared-weighted) were utilized to analyze these data onto hydrate particles' chord length distribution. Finally, based on the above experimental data analysis, some important conclusions were obtained. The agglomeration of particles/droplets was easier under low flow rate during hydrate slurry dissociation, while high flow rate could restrain agglomeration effectively. The particle/droplet agglomerating trend and plug probability went up with the water-cut in the process of hydrate slurry decomposition. In addition, anti-agglomerates (AA) greatly prohibited those micro-particles/droplets from agglomeration during decomposition, resulting in relatively stable mean and square weighting chord length curves.

关键字:natural gas hydrate decomposition mechanism microscopic particles agglomeration chord length distribution


卷、期、页:卷: 8 期: 12








论文概要:吕晓方,史博会,周诗岽,王树立,黄维秋,孙鲜航,Study on the Decomposition Mechanism of Natural Gas Hydrate Particles and Its Microscopic Agglomeration Characteristics,APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2018,卷: 8 期: 12

论文题目:Study on the Decomposition Mechanism of Natural Gas Hydrate Particles and Its Microscopic Agglomeration Characteristics


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