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  • 2005-09至2013-09, 西安交通大学, 流体机械及工程, 博士研究生
  • 2001-09至2005-07, 西安交通大学, 热能与动力工程, 大学本科



  • 油气储运安全工程,油气储运数值仿真,新能源及非常规介质储运 ,流-固耦合力学


  • 油气储运工程系党支部书记/副主任




  • Emial: xsun@cup.edu.cn






1.       国家自然科学基金,弹性肋片涡激振动强化圆管对流传热研究,负责人

2.       国家重点研发计划项目,国家石油及天然气储备库安全保障技术与装备研发,参与人

3.       国家重点研发计划项目,高压力高钢级管道失效机理与全生命周期可靠性评价技术研究,参与人

4.       水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室开放课题,尾流干涉下深水立管群涡激振动机理研究,负责人

5.       压缩机技术国家重点实验室开放课题,输气站场离心式压缩机管道流致振动机理及防控研究,负责人

6.       深水油气管线关键技术与装备北京市重点实验室开放课题,外流诱发深水柔性立管扭转振动机理研究,负责人

7.       中国石油大学(北京)引进人才科研启动基金,海洋多立管系统涡激振动问题的有限元解法及机理研究,负责人

8.    企业课题多源泄漏监测数据综合分析技术研究,负责人

9.   企业课题,天然气管道掺氢装置研究及掺氢长输管道运行规律研究,负责人

10.    企业课题,XX压气站工艺管线振动问题分析治理项目,负责人

11.    企业课题,“管道外检测(咸阳联络线)”项目-管道积液分析,负责人

12.    企业课题,黄岛国家石油储备地下水封洞库工程原油管道振动和油气放空计算,负责人 

13.   企业课题,XX管道管存计算项目, 负责人

14.   企业课题,XX压气站压缩机组第三级叶片开裂原因分析,负责人

15.   高校外协课题,引力波探测系统发动机管路压力脉动抑制研究,负责人


1.   孙旭,王艺,王鹏. 应用流体力学学习指导与习题精解(第二版).中国石油大学出版社,2024.9.

2.   宇波,杨绪飞,孙旭. 应用流体力学(第三版). 中国石油大学出版社,2023.11

3.  Sun, X.*, Suh, C.S.,Yu, B. Chapter 8 Fluid-Structure Interactions of a Perimeter-Reinforced Membrane Wing in Laminar Shear Flow. Dynamics and Fault Diagnosis of Nonlinear Rotors and Impellers, edited by J. Z. Zhang, Springer, Switzerland, 2022, Chap.8, p. 187-209.

4.  Sun, X.*, Zhang, J.Z. Finite-element analysis of nonlinear fluid- membrane interactions using a modified characteristic-based split (CBS) scheme. Complex Motions and Chaos in Nonlinear Systems, edited by Afraimovich, V., Tenreiro Machado, J.A. and Zhang, J. Z., Springer, Switzerland, 2016, Chap.3, p.75-105.


1. Di,T., Sun, X.*, Chen, P.C., et al. A novel static mixer for blending hydrogen into natural gas pipelines. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 86(11): 1118-1128.

2. Tao M.M., Sun, X.*, Xiao J., et al. A novel vortex-induced vibration model for a circular cylinder in the vicinity of a plane wall. Ocean Engineering, 2023,287(1):115846

3.    Sun, X.*, Zhang Y.X., Tao M.M. et al. Vortex-induced rotational vibration of an eccentric circular cylinder at low Reynolds number of 100. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023, 111(16): 14805–14828.

4.    Sun, X.*, Suh, C.S., Ye, Z.H, Zhang Y.X. Sub-harmonic wake-induced vibration of five tandemcircular cylinders at low Reynolds number of 100. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2022, 36:671–687.

5.     Cao, S.L., Sun, X.*, Zhang, J.Z., Zhang,Y.X. Forced convection heat transfer around a circular cylinder in laminar flow: an insight from Lagrangian coherent structures. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(6):067104.

6.     Sun, X.*, Li, S., Lin, G.G., Zhang, J.Z. Effects of flow-induced vibrations on forced convection heat transfer from two tandem circular cylinders in laminar flow. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 195:106238.

7.     Sun, X.*, Suh, C.S., Sun, C.C., Yu, B. Vortex-induced vibration of a flexible splitter plate attached to square cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2021, 101: 103206.

8.     Sun, X.*, Suh, C.S., Ye, Z.H, Yu, B. Dynamics of a circular cylinder with an attached splitter plate in laminar flow: a transition from vortex-induced vibration to galloping. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(2):027104.

9.   Sun, X.*, Li, W.X., Huang, Q.Y.*, Zhang, J., Sun, C.C. Large eddy simulations of wind loads on an external floating-roof tank. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2020, 14(1): 422-435.

10.   Sun, X.*, Ye, Z.H, Li, J.J., Wen, K., Tian, H. Forced convection heat transfer from a circular cylinder with a flexible fin. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 128: 319-334.

11.    Sun, X.*, Wang, S.Z., Zhang, J.Z., Ye Z.H. Bifurcations of vortex-induced vibrations of a fixed membrane wing at Re≤1000. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 91(4): 2097-2112.

12.    Sun, X.*, Ren, X.L., Zhang, J.Z. Nonlinear dynamic responses of a perimeter-reinforced membrane wing in laminar flows. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 88(1): 749-776.

13.    Sun, X.*, Zhang, J.Z. Effect of the reinforced leading or trailing edge on the aerodynamic performance of a perimeter-reinforced membrane wing. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2017, 68:90-112.

14.    Sun, X.*, Zhang, J.Z. Nonlinear vibrations of a flexible membrane under periodic loads. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 85:2467-2486.

15.    Sun, X.*Zhang, J.Z. An r-adaptive technique for unstructured grids based on the segment spring analogy method. International Journal of Computational Methods201512(1)13500910.

16.    Sun, X., Zhang J.Z.*, Ren X.L. Characteristic-based split (CBS) finite element method for incompressible viscous flow with moving boundaries. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2012, 6(3): 461-474.

17.    叶泽华,孙旭*,顾继俊等.海洋立管错列涡激振动特性数值模拟.油气储运,2020,39(2):233- 240.

18.    孙旭, 张劲军*,杨森形输流管道受力特性及结构优化.油气储运, 2016, 35(1): 38-42.

19.    孙旭, 张劲军*,杨森.地下水封洞库立管振动特性.油气储运, 2016, 35(2): 145-150.

20.    孙旭, 张家忠*,黄必武.弹性薄膜类流固耦合问题的CBS有限元分析.力学学报2013,45(5):787-791.

21.    孙旭, 张家忠*, 周志宏, 徐忠. 不可压缩粘性流动的CBS 有限元解法.计算力学学报. 2010, 27(5): 862-827.  


1. 中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖(排名5/10)

2. 中国石油和化学工业优秀出版物奖﹒教材奖一等奖(排名3/9)

 十一、 社会与学术主要兼职

 1. Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics副主编

 2. Petroleum Science青年编委

 3. Processes客座主编

 4. Elsevier英文专著审稿人

 5. Physics of Fluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Nonlinear Dynamics、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、International Journal of Thermal Sciences、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Ocean engineering、力学学报等期刊审稿人.