
- 所在单位:机械与储运工程学院/过程装备系
- 所在学科:动力工程及工程热物理
- 个人学位:博士
- 职称名称:研究员(自然科学)
- 教师类别:专任教师
- 导师类型:博士生导师
- 招生专业:动力工程及工程热物理
- 电子邮箱:jwwang@cup.edu.cn
- 2003-09至2008-01, 中国科学院过程工程研究所, 化学工程与技术, 博士研究生
- 2000-09至2003-03, 天津大学, 化学工程与技术, 硕士研究生
- 1996-09至2000-06, 浙江工业大学, 化学工程与技术, 大学本科
2024年3月-至今 中国石油大学(北京) 研究员
2010年7月-2024年2月 中国科学院过程工程研究所 研究员
2015年4月-2022年12月 多相复杂系统国家重点实验室 副主任
2008年2月-2010年7月 荷兰屯特大学 博士后
2003年4月-2003年6月 天津大学精馏技术国家工程中心 工程师
Editorial Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021-
Editorial Board Member, Processes, 2024-
Corresponding Expert, Engineering, 2019-
Academic Editor, International Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014-
编委, 化工学报, 2021-
编委, 过程工程学报, 2017-
中国颗粒学会理事, 2022-
中国颗粒学会流态化专业委员会秘书长, 2014-
1. Yige Liu, Bidan Zhao, Ji Xu, Junwu Wang*, Center-to-face momentum interpolation and face-to-center flux reconstruction in Euler-Euler simulation of gas-solid flows, Chemical Engineering Science, 2025, 301: 120752 (GLS-16 special issue).
2. 李舒月,王欢,周少强,毛志宏,张永民*,王军武,吴秀花,重质颗粒流态化研究现状与展望,化工学报,2025。
3. Jinghong Su, Cheng Wang, Yibao Zhang, Fan Xu, Junwu Wang*, Chao Sun*, Turbulence modulation in liquid-liquid two-phase Taylor-Couette turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 999: A98.
4. Dandan Li, Bidan Zhao, Shuai Lu, Junwu Wang*, A data-driven method for fast prediction of the long-term hydrodynamics of gas-solid flows: Optimized dynamic mode decomposition with control, Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(10): 103332.
5. Shuai Lu, Dandan Li, Bin Lan, Chuanlin Fan, Fan Xu, Ji Xu, Bidan Zhao, Zheng Zou, Hongzhong Li, Junwu Wang*, Qingshan Zhu*, Expanding the controllable range of the mean residence time ratio of polydisperse particles in multiple-chamber fluidized beds: A coarse-grained CFD-DEM study, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63(39): 16651-16952.
6. Jiewen Luo, Junwu Wang*, Bidan Zhao*, A simple EMMS drag model for the simulation of bubbling fluidized beds using mesoscience-based structural model, Powder Technology, 2024, 448: 120272.
7. Zheng Zou, Xu Zhang, Dong Yan, Ji Xu, Junwu Wang, Qingshan Zhu*, Hongzhong Li, Experimental investigation and CFD study of direct reduction of iron ore in the conical fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 300: 120586.
8. Jiali Du, Lingjie Zhang, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang, CFD simulation of a novel downer with swirling blade nozzle: field synergy characteristics, heat transfer contribution and structure optimization analysis, Fuel, 2024, 375: 132549.
9. Fan Xu, Jun Zhong, Jinghong Su, Bidan Zhao, Yurong He*, Chao Sun*, Junwu Wang*, Effects of rough surfaces on annular centrifugal Rayleigh-Bénard convection, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 232: 125929 (Turbulent Thermal Convection special issue).
10. Shuai Lu, Bin Lan, Dandan Li, Chuanlin Fan, Ji Xu, Bidan Zhao, Zheng Zou, Hongzhong Li, Junwu Wang*, Qingshan Zhu*, Regulation characteristics and law of residence time distribution of polydisperse particles in numbered-up multiple-chamber fluidized bed reactors, Powder Technology, 2024, 439: 119733 (Emerging trends in the DEM modelling of granular systems special issue).
11. Jinghong Su, Lei Yi, Bidan Zhao, Cheng Wang, Fan Xu, Junwu Wang*, Chao Sun*, Numerical study on the mechanism of drag modulation by dispersed drops in two-phase Taylor-Couette turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 984: R3.
12. Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang, Experiment, CFD simulation and field synergy characteristics analysis of hot-air drying process in a spouted bed, Powder Technology, 2024, 438: 119687.
13. Wenbin Li, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang, Numerical simulation of particle erosion coupled with flue gas desulphurization in the spouted bed, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 487: 150522.
14. Bin Lan, Ji Xu, Shuai Lu, Yige Liu, Fan Xu, Bidan Zhao, Zheng Zou, Ming Zhai*, Junwu Wang*, Direct reduction of iron-ore with hydrogen in fluidized beds: A coarse-grained CFD-DEM-IBM study, Powder Technology, 2024, 438:119624 (SIMPAS-2023 special issue).
15. Jiali Du, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang, Intensification of hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics of coal-char-gas flow in a high solids-flux downer with swirling blade nozzle, Energy, 2024, 294: 130945.
16. Dandan Li, Bidan Zhao, Shuai Lu, Junwu Wang*, Physics-informed dynamic mode decomposition for short-term and long-term prediction of gas-solid flows, Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 289: 119849.
17. Wen Li, Jiewen Luo, Quan Zhou, Bidan Zhao*, Junwu Wang*, Fast simulation of industrial-scale bubbling fluidized beds using mesoscience-based structural model, Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 288: 119770.
18. Bidan Zhao*, Kun Shi, Mingming He, Junwu Wang*, Hydrodynamics of polydisperse gas-solid flows: Kinetic theory and multifluid simulation, Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 287: 119740.
19. Ruixiang Tang, Zheng Zou, Ji Xu, Junwu Wang, Qingshan Zhu*, Hongzhong Li*, Simulation of the L-valve in the circulating fluidized bed with a coarse-grained discrete particle method, Particuology, 2024, 90: 266-280.
20. Hongliang Xiao*, Adefarati Oloruntoba, Xiwei Ke, Kaixuan Gao, Linlin Duan, Cenfan Liu, Yongmin Zhang*, Junwu Wang, Improving the precision of solids velocity measurement in gas-solid fluidized beds with a hybrid machine learning model, Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 285: 119579.
21. Yabin Wang, Yige Liu, Jiewen Luo, Chang Su, Bidan Zhao*, Junwu Wang*, Validation of mesoscience-based structural model for simulating gas-solid flows in circulating-turbulent fluidized beds, Powder Technology, 2024, 432: 119136 (Commemorating John Grace special issue).
22. 兰斌,路帅,徐骥,翟明*,王军武*,流化床直接还原磁铁矿的CFD-DEM-IBM模拟研究,化工学报,2024。
23. 李舒月,王欢,周少强,毛志宏,张永民*,王军武,吴秀花,基于CPFD方法的U3O8氢还原流化床反应器数值模拟研究,化工学报,2024, 75(9): 3133-3151。
24. 赵金鹏,张永民,兰斌,罗节文,赵碧丹*,王军武*,气固鼓泡床结构双流体传热模型及其模拟验证,化工学报,2024, 75(4): 1497-1507(中国化工青年学者研究前沿专刊)。
25. 罗节文,王雅彬,李稳,王国胜,赵碧丹*,王军武*,气固鼓泡床结构双流体模型及其模拟验证, 过程工程学报,2024,24(4): 435-444。
26. 赵碧丹,代伊扬,王军武*,张永民*,CFD-DEM-IBM方法探究流化床倾斜挡板内构件受力特性,化工学报,2024, 75(1): 255-267(重点实验室专刊)。
27. Fan Xu, Jinghong Su, Bin Lan, Peng Zhao, Yurong He*, Chao Sun*, Junwu Wang*, Direct numerical simulation of Taylor-Couette flow with vertical asymmetric rough walls, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023, 975: A30.
28. Lingkai Kong, Ji Xu, Junwu Wang*, Wei Ge*, Characterizing particle clustering behavior in dense gas-solid suspensions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 62: 19145−19160 (Vivek Ranade Festschrift special issue).
29. Shuai Lu, Bin Lan, Ji Xu, Bidan Zhao, Zheng Zou, Junwu Wang*, Hongzhong Li, Qingshan Zhu*, Optimization of multiple-chamber fluidized beds using coarse-grained CFD-DEM simulations: Regulation of solids back-mixing, Powder Technology, 2023, 428: 118886.
30. Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang, Multiple field synergy mechanism of the desulfurization process in the intensified spouted beds, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 467: 143521.
31. Zheng Zou*, Yu Ge, Haoyan Sun, Meiju Zhang, Junwu Wang, Qingshan Zhu*, Hongzhong Li, Industrial practice and CFD investigation of multi-chamber fluidized bed reactor for the MnO2 ore reduction, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 455: 140732.
32. Dandan Li, Bidan Zhao, Junwu Wang*, Data-driven identification of coherent structures in gas-solid systems using proper orthogonal decomposition and dynamic mode decomposition, Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 013321.
33. Bidan Zhao, Mingming He, Junwu Wang*, Data-driven discovery of governing equations for granular flow at the homogeneous cooling state using sparse regression, Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 013315.
34. Liuyun Xu, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang, DDPM simulation of immersed tube erosion in a pulsating fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 269: 118475.
35. Jiali Du, Feng Wu*, Xiaoxun Ma, Junwu Wang, Effect of swirling spouting intensification structure on semi-dry desulfurization process in 3D spouted beds, Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 269: 118452.
36. Bin Lan, Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Bidan Zhao, Ming Zhai*, Junwu Wang*, The critical role of scale resolution in CFD simulation of gas-solid flows: A heat transfer study using CFD-DEM-IBM method, Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 266: 118268.
37. Yong Zhang, Ji Xu, Qi Chang, Peng Zhao, Junwu Wang, Wei Ge*, Numerical simulation of fluidization: Driven by challenges, Powder Technology, 2023, 414: 118092 (Fluidization Centennial special issue).
38. Jesse Zhu* and Junwu Wang*, Editorial: Special Issue for the 14th Global Chinese Chemical Engineering Symposium, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2023, 17(10): 1321-1322.
39. Xinxin Che, Rong Gu, Feng Wu*, Xiaoxun Ma, Junwu Wang, Experiment and CFD study on the hydrodynamics in novel internal-intensified spouted beds, Powder Technology, 2022, 412:118009.
40. Fan Xu, Peng Zhao, Chao Sun, Yurong He*, Junwu Wang*, Direct numerical simulation of Taylor-Couette flow: Regime-dependent role of axial walls, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 263: 118075.
41. Mingming He, Bidan Zhao*, Ji Xu, Lingkai Kong, Junwu Wang*, Assessment of kinetic theory for gas-solid flows using discrete particle method, Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(9): 093315 (Multiphase flow in energy studies and applications: A special issue for MTCUE-2022).
42. Kun Shi, Mingming He, Li Zhang, Bidan Zhao*, Junwu Wang*, Critical comparison of polydisperse kinetic theories using bidisperse DEM data, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 263: 118062.
43. Mingming He, Bidan Zhao, Junwu Wang*, Particle pressures in gas-fluidized beds: A computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method study, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61(26): 9489−9497.
44. Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Bidan Zhao, Dandan Li, Junwu Wang*, Cartesian grid simulation of reacting gas-solid flow using CFD-DEM-IBM method, Powder Technology, 2022, 407: 117651.
45. Rong Guo, Jinhao Bai, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang, Xiaoxun Ma, Zhiquan Hui, CFD-DEM simulation of wet granular-fluid flows and heat transfer in an integral multi-jet spout-fluidized bed, Powder Technology, 2022, 403: 117384.
46. Bin Lan, Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Bidan Zhao, Ming Zhai*, Junwu Wang*, CFD-DEM-IBM simulation of particle drying processes in gas-fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 255: 117653.
47. Hongliang Xiao, Yongmin Zhang*, Junwu Wang*, Correlating measurement qualities of cross-correlation based solids velocimetry with solids convection-mixing competing mechanism in different gas fluidization regimes, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 253: 117602.
48. Shijiao Li, Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Li Zhang, Junwu Wang*, CFD-DEM simulation of polydisperse gas-solid flow of Geldart A particles in bubbling micro-fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 253: 117551.
49. Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Qi Chang, Wei Ge, Junwu Wang*, Euler-Lagrange simulation of dense gas-solid flow with local grid refinement, Powder Technology, 2022, 399: 117199.
50. Ji Xu, Peng Zhao, Yong Zhang, Junwu Wang*, Wei Ge*, Discrete particle methods for engineering simulation: Reproducing mesoscale structures in multiphase systems, Resources Chemicals and Materials, 2022, 1(1): 69-79.
51. 李铁男,赵碧丹,赵鹏,张永民*,王军武*,气固流化床启动阶段挡板内构件受力特性的CFD-DEM 模拟, 化工学报, 2022, 73(6): 2649-2661 (“化学工程中的介科学”专刊).
52. Jesse Zhu* and Junwu Wang*, Editorial: Special Issue for the Future Chemical Engineering Scholars of Global Chinese Chemical Engineering Symposium, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2022, 16(6): 775–776.
53. Bidan Zhao, Junwu Wang*, Kinetic theory of polydisperse gas-solid flows: Navier-Stokes transport coefficients, Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(10): 103322.
54. Shuyue Li, Zhan Shu, Junwu Wang*, Multifluid modeling of coal pyrolysis in a coupled downer-hopper reactor, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021, 159: 105335 (Recent advances in multiscale CFD simulation of pyrolysis special issue).
55. Hongliang Xiao, Yongmin Zhang*, Junwu Wang*, Virtual error quantification of cross-correlation algorithm for solids velocity measurement in different gas fluidization regimes, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 246: 117013.
56. Lingkai Kong, Ji Xu, Junwu Wang*, Wei Ge*, Nonequilibrium characteristics and spatiotemporal long-range correlations in gas-solid suspensions, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021, 142: 103731.
57. Bin Lan, Ji Xu, Peng Zhao, Zheng Zou, Junwu Wang*, Qingshan Zhu*, Scale-up effect of residence time distribution of polydisperse particles in continuously operated multiple-chamber fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 244: 116809.
58. Shijiao Li, Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Li Zhang, Junwu Wang*, Direct comparison of CFD-DEM simulation and experimental measurement of Geldart A particles in a micro-fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 242: 116725.
59. Bidan Zhao, Junwu Wang*, Statistical foundation of EMMS-based two-fluid models for heterogeneous gas-solid flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 241: 116678.
60. Junwu Wang*, Peng Zhao, Bidan Zhao, Testing CFD-DEM method with a stochastic drag formulation using particle-resolved direct numerical simulation data as benchmark, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 240: 116657.
61. Bidan Zhao, Mingming He, Junwu Wang*, Multiscale kinetic theory for heterogeneous granular and gas-solid flows, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 232: 116346.
62. 兰斌,徐骥,刘志成,王军武*,连续操作密相流化床颗粒停留时间分布特性模拟放大研究,化工学报, 2021, 72: 521-533 (化工青年学者研究前沿专刊).
63. Yunlong Zhao, Zheng Zou, Junwu Wang, Hongzhong Li*, Qingshan Zhu*, CFD simulation of solids residence time distribution for scaling up gas-solid bubbling fluidized bed reactors based on the modified structure-based drag model, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 99: 1780-1791.
64. Qingang Xiong*, Junwu Wang, Yansong Shen, Editorial-special issue of “advances in process intensification of fluidization”, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2021, 167: 108557.
65. Jesse Zhu* and Junwu Wang*, Editorial for the Special Issue on Frontiers of Chemical Engineering, Engineering, 2021, 7(1): 1-2.
66. Junwu Wang*, Peng Zhao, Bidan Zhao, Supersonic and near-equilibrium gas-driven granular flow, Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(11): 113302.
67. Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Xingchi Liu, Wei Ge, Junwu Wang*, A computational fluid dynamics-discrete element-immersed boundary method for Cartesian grid simulation of heat transfer in compressible gas-solid flow with complex geometries, Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(10): 103306 (Turbulent and Multiphase Flows special issue).
68. Mingming He, Bidan Zhao, Junwu Wang*, A unified EMMS-based constitutive law for heterogeneous gas-solid flow in CFB risers, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 225, 115797.
69. Bidan Zhao, Junwu Wang*, A note on the kinetic theory for polydisperse granular flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 223:115730.
70. Wei Bian, Xizhong Chen, Junwu Wang*, Assessment of the interphase drag coefficients considering the effects of granular temperature and solid concentration fluctuation via comparison of DNS, DPM, TFM and experimental data, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 223:115722.
71. Bin Lan, Ji Xu, Peng Zhao, Zheng Zou, Qingshan Zhu, Junwu Wang*, Long-time coarse-grained CFD-DEM simulation of residence time distribution of polydisperse particles in a continuously operated multiple-chamber fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 219: 115599.
72. Junwu Wang*, Continuum theory for dense gas-solid flow: A state-of-the-art review, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 215: 115428.
73. Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Wei Ge, Junwu Wang*, A CFD-DEM-IBM method for Cartesian grid simulation of gas-solid flow in complex geometries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 389: 124343.
74. Yong Zhang, Ying Jia, Ji Xu, Junwu Wang*, Chenlong Duan*, Wei Ge, Yuemin Zhao, CFD intensification of coal beneficiation process in gas-solid fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2020, 148: 107825 (Advances in Process Intensification of Fluidization special issue).
75. Yong Yang, Jian Xu*, Zhenyu Liu*, Qinghua Guo, Mao Ye, Gang Wang, Junhu Gao, Junwu Wang, Zhan Shu, Wei Ge, Zhongmin Liu, Fuchen Wang, Yongwang Li*, Progress in coal chemical technologies of China, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 2020, 36: 21-66.
76. Wei Bian, Xizhong Chen, Junwu Wang*, A critical comparison of two-fluid model, discrete particle method and direct numerical simulation for modeling gas-solid flows of rough spheres, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 210: 115233.
77. Zhiyuan Qin, Quan Zhou, Junwu Wang*, An EMMS drag model for coarse grid simulation of polydisperse gas-solid flow in circulating fluidized bed risers, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 207: 358-378.
78. Jing Wang, Xizhong Chen, Wei Bian, Bidan Zhao, Junwu Wang*, Quantifying the non-equilibrium characteristics of heterogeneous gas–solid flow of smooth, inelastic spheres using a computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 866: 776-790.
79. Leina Hua*, Hu Zhao, Jun Li, Qingshan Zhu, Junwu Wang, Solid residence time distribution in a cross-flow dense fluidized bed with baffles, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 200: 320-335.
80. Wei Ge*, Qi Chang, Chengxiang Li, Junwu Wang*, Multiscale structures in particle-fluid systems: Characterization, modeling and simulation, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 198: 198-223 (Multiscale Conversion special issue).
81. Yong Zhang, Yuemin Zhao, Chenlong Duan, Zhonglin Gao, Ji Xu, Liqiang Lu, Junwu Wang*, Wei Ge*, Experimental and Eulerian-Lagrangian-Lagrangian study of binary gas-solid flow containing particles of significantly different sizes, Renewable Energy, 2019, 136: 193-201 (BIOTC-CFD special issue).
82. Bidan Zhao, Junwu Wang*, Topography analysis of particle velocity distribution function in gas-solid flow,Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 197: 69-73.
83. Zhiyuan Qin, Junwu Wang*,Coarse grid simulation of the hydrodynamics of binary gas-solid flow in CFB risers, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 97(3): 793-807.