
- 所在单位:机械与储运工程学院/油气储运工程系
- 所在学科:石油与天然气工程
- 个人学位:博士
- 职称名称:副教授
- 教师类别:专任教师
- 导师类型:博士生导师,硕士生导师
- 招生专业:石油与天然气工程,控制科学与工程(兼),人工智能(兼)
- 电子邮箱:kewin1983@126.com
- 2006-09至2012-01, 北京大学, 力学系统与控制, 博士研究生
- 2002-09至2006-07, 西安交通大学, 自动化, 大学本科
1.Kai Wen, Wei Gao, Chaohui Xu, Li Li, Baolong Yang, Chaofei Nie, Qing Miao, YiChen Li, CuiCui Li, , Bingyuan Hong. Allocation of transportation capacity for complex natural gas pipeline network under fair opening. Energy, 2024, 291: 130330. (SCI一区TOP)
2.Kai Wen, Dan Qiao, Chaofei Nie, Yangfan Lu, Feng Wen, Jing Zhang, Qing Miao, Jing Gong, Cuicui Li, Bingyuan Hong. Multi-period supply and demand balance of large-scale and complex natural gas pipeline network: Economy and environment. Energy, 2023, 264: 126104. (SCI一区TOP)
3.Kai Wen, Jianfeng Jiao, Kang Zhao, Xiong Yin, Yuan Liu, Jing Gong, Cuicui Li, Bingyuan Hong. Rapid transient operation control method of natural gas pipeline networks based on user demand prediction. Energy, 2023, 264: 126093. (SCI一区TOP)
4.Xiong Yin, Kai Wen*, Weihe Huang, Yinwei Luo, Yi Ding, Jing Gong, Jianfeng Gao, Bingyuan Hong. A high-accuracy online transient simulation framework of natural gas pipeline network by integrating physics-based and data-driven methods. Applied Energy, 2023, 333: 120615.(SCI一区TOP)
5.Kai Wen, Yangfan Lu, Meitong Lu, Wenwei Zhang, Ming Zhu, Dan Qiao, Fanpeng Meng, Jing Zhang, Jing Gong, Hong Bingyuan. Multi-period optimal infrastructure planning of natural gas pipeline network system integrating flowrate allocation. Energy, 2022, 257: 124745. (SCI一区TOP)
6.Hong, BY; Qiao, D; Li, YC; Sun, XQ; Yang, BL; Li, L; Gong, J; Wen, K*. Supply-demand balance of natural gas pipeline network integrating hydraulic and thermal characteristics, energy conservation and carbon reduction. Energy,2023.283:128427.(SCI一区TOP)
7.Kai Wen*, Hailong Xu, Ming Xu, Yongtao Pei, Yangfan Lu, Hongwei Zheng, Zhenlin Li. Digital twin-driven intelligent control of natural gas flowmeter calibration station. Measurement, 2023:113140. (SCI二区)
8.Wen Kai*, Xu Hailong, Qi Wei, Li Haichuan, Li Yichen, Hong Bingyuan. Heat Transfer Model of Natural Gas Pipeline Based on Data Feature Extraction and First Principle Models. Energies. 2023, 16(3):1096.(SCI三区)
9.Yin Xiong ,Wen Kai*,Wu Yan , et al. A machine learning-based surrogate model for the rapid control of piping flow: Application to a natural gas flowmeter calibration system[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 98:104384.(SCI二区)
10.Xu Han, HongWei Zheng, ChaoFan Song, Lei Zhou, Yan Wu, BingYuan Hong, Kai Wen*.Fully automated controller for the real-flow calibration of natural gas flowmeters based. 19th International Flow Measurement Conference.2022.
11.He Lei,Wen Kai*,Gong Jing, et al. A multi-model ensemble digital twin solution for real-time unsteady flow state estimation of a pumping station. ISA Transactions, 2022, 126: 242-253.(SCI二区)
12.He Lei,Gong Jing,Wen Kai , et al. New Method Based on Model-Free Adaptive Control Theory and Kalman Filter for Multi-Product Unsteady Flow State Estimation. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2021, 143(7):1-10.(SCI三区)
13.Wen Kai. Modeling and control of real flow calibration system. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2020.
14.Yichen Li ,Gong Jing,Yu Weichao,Kai wen*, et al. Gas supply relibability analysis of a natural gas pipeline system considering the effects of demand side management. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2020.
15.He Lei ,Wen Kai ,Wu C , et al. Hybrid method based on particle filter and NARX for real-time flow rate estimation in multi-product pipelines. Journal of Process Control, 2020, 88:19-31.(SCI三区)
16.He Lei,Wen Kai,Gong Jing, et al. A Framework for Underground Gas Storage System Reliability Assessment Considering Functional Failure of Repairable Components. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME2020, 142(5).(SCI四区)
17.Yin X,Wen Kai*,Wu Yan , et al. Study on Intelligent Controller Design of Flow Metrological Calibration System. 2020 13th International Pipeline Conference. 2020.
18.Kai Wen*,Lei He,Jing Liu,Jing Gong. An Optimization of Artificial Neural Network Modeling Methodology for the Reliability Assessment of Corroding Natural Gas Pipelines. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2019,60:1-8.(SCI三区)
19.Kai Wen*, Jing Gong, Yan Wu. The Cascade Control of Natural Gas Pipeline Systems. Applied Sciences. 2019,9:481-489.
20.Weichao Yu, Jie Zhang ,Kai Wen , et al. A novel methodology to update the reliability of the corroding natural gas pipeline by introducing the effects of failure data and corrective maintenance - ScienceDirect. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2019, 169:48-56.
21.Zhiqiang Wang, Yichen Li, Zhanjun Feng, Kai Wen*. Natural gas consumption forecasting model based on coal-to-gas project in China. Global Energy Interconnection. 2019,2(5):430-436.
22.Lei He,Kai Wen,Jing Gong,Changchun Wu. A framework for underground gas storage system reliability assessment considering functional failure of repairable components. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division.2019
23.Kai Wen*, Zijie Xia, Weichao Yu, Jing Gong. A New Lumped Parameter Model for Natural Gas Pipelines in State Space. Energies. 2018,11:1971-1987.(SCI三区)
24.Kai Wen*, Lei He, Weichao Yu, Jing Gong. A Reliability Assessment of the Hydrostatic Test of Pipeline with 0.8 Design Factor in the WestEast China Natural Gas Pipeline III. Energies. 2018,11:1197-1205.(SCI三区)
25.Kai Wen*, Li Yichen, Yang Yang,Jing Gong.Reliability Evaluation of Compressor Systems Based on Universal Generating Function Method.Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science).2018.
26.Weichao Yu,Yuan Min,Weihe Huang,Kai Wen,Ye Zhang,Jing Gong.An Integration Method for Assessing the Operational Reliability of Underground Gas Storage in a Depleted Reservoir.Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME.2018. (SCI四区)
27.Weichao Yu,Kai Wen*,Yuan Min, Lei He, Weihe Huang,Jing Gong. A methodology to quantify the gas supply capacity of natural gas transmission pipeline system using reliability theory. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2018,175: 128-141.(SCI二区)
28.Weichao Yu, Kai Wen,Yuan Min, Li Yichen, Weihe Huang,Jing Gong. A methodology to assess the gas supply capacity and gas supply reliability of a natural gas pipeline network system.Proceedings of the Biennial International Pipeline Conference, IPC.2018
29.Kai Wen*, Zhiyong Geng, Zhenyong Zhang, Lijia Zhang. A New Model of Networked Control Systems in Robust Control Framework. Asian Journal of Control. 2016,18(1): 390-399.(SCI四区)
34.温凯*, 韩旭, 李灿,等. 基于神经网络的天然气流量计检定工艺智能控制系统. 天然气工业, 2021, 41(7):10.
35.韩旭,孙楠,张熙然,刘喆,温凯*. 天然气流量计检定站仿真模型及工艺操作优化. 油气储运, 2021(002):040.
36.殷雄, 温凯, 谢萍,等. 大口径天然气长输管道状态空间模型的适用性分析. 石油科学通报, 2020, 5(1):13.
37.温凯*,左志恒,黄晓茵,等. 成品油管道水击超前保护优化方案. 油气储运, 2020, 39(2):6.
38.温凯*,殷雄,郭哲,杨璟辰,宫敬. 天然气大流量计量检定工艺主动控制方法研究. 油气田地面工程. 2019,38(10):57-63.
39.温凯*,夏子杰,刘静,黄晓茵,王晗,宫敬. 基于K-Spice与SPS 的单管泵阀模型PID 控制. 油气储运. 2019,38(8):904-910.
40.温凯*. 天然气管道主动调控研究. 第三十八届中国控制会议论文集(7).2019:26-31.
41.何蕾,温凯,吴长春,等. 基于多种智能算法的腐蚀天然气管道可靠性评价方法. 石油科学通报, 2019(3):310-322.
42.任亮, 温凯*, 宫敬,等. 基于SPS的水击超前保护方案分析与优化 油气田地面工程, 2018, 37(4):4.
(1)温凯、彭鹤、王伟、闪向营、黄尚文、张猛. 多旋翼飞行器演示模拟装置.ZL201810243017.8.
5.温凯*,陈缪. 全尺寸四旋翼无人机教学平台设计与课程开发. 实验技术与管理.2018,35(9):100-103.
4.Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics 2023:Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing
5. 支教先进个人
6. 全国大学生机器人大赛优秀指导老师
7. 北京市优秀本科毕业设计指导老师
8. 教学创新大赛二等奖
9. 优秀本科生导师、班主任
10. 青年教学骨干老师