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  • 2008-09至2011-07, 中国石油大学(北京), 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 博士研究生
  • 2005-09至2008-07, 中国石油大学(北京), 矿产普查与勘探, 硕士研究生
  • 2001-09至2005-07, 中国石油大学(北京), 地质工程, 大学本科


担任国际SCI期刊Arabian Journal of Geosciences副主编,《古地理学报》编委,《沉积学报》和《石油科学通报》期刊青年编委,GSA Bulletin、Sedimentology、AAPG Bulletin、MPG、Applied Clay Science、Sedimentary Geology、JAES、Journal of Applied Geophysics、JPSE、Geofluids等20多个中英文专业期刊审稿人。中国矿物岩石地球化学学会青年工作委员会委员。美国石油地质学家协会(AAPG)会员,中国石油学会和中国地质学会会员。










2020年,国家级线下一流本科课程 沉积岩石学教学团队成员国家级,排名5














50. Caineng Zou, Zhen Qiu,…Shifa Zhuet al. 2022. Unconventional petroleum sedimentology: A key to understanding unconventional hydrocarbon accumulation. Engineering. 18: 62–78一区TOP.

49. Cui, H., Zhu Shifa*, Tan, M., et al. 2022. Depositional and diagenetic processes in volcanic matrix-rich sandstones from the Shanxi and Shihezi formations, Ordos Basin, China: Implication for volcano-sedimentary systemsBasin Research34:1859–1893. 国外一区TOP.

48. Cui, H., Zhu Shifa*, Wang, J. et al. 2022. Physical Properties, Pore-Throat Structure, Fractal Characteristics and Their Effects on the Gas-Bearing Capacity of Tight Sandstone: A Case Study from the Northern Tianhuan Depression, Ordos Basin, China. Nat Resour Res 31, 1559–1584. 国外地学二区SCI.

47. Qin Yi, Xiaomin Zhu*Zhu Shifa*(通讯)et al., 2021. Impact of deeptime palaeoclimate on the sedimentary records and morphology of lacustrine shoalwater deltas, Upper Eocene Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, ChinaSedimentology68(7): 3253-3278. 国外一区TOP.

46Zhu ShifaXiaomin Zhu et al., Diagenetic alteration, pore-throat network, and reservoir quality of tight gas sandstone reservoirs: a case study of Upper Paleozoic sequence in north Tianhuan Depression in Ordos Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin. 2020, 104(11):2297-2324. 石油地质顶刊SCI.

45Zhu Shifa, Hang Cui, Ye Jia et al., Occurrence, composition, and origin of analcime in sedimentary rocks of non-marine petroliferous basins in China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 113C (2020) 104164. 国外地学二区SCI.

44Zhu Shifa, Jia Ye, Cui Hang, et al., Alteration and burial dolomitization of fine-grained, intermediate volcaniclastic rocks under saline-alkaline conditions: Bayindulan Sag in the Er'Lian Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 110, pp. 621-637. 国外地学二区SCI.

43Zhu Shifa, Kevin Taylor, Jiahao Chen, et al., Controls on carbonate cementation in early syn-rift terrestrial siliciclastics: the Lower Cretaceous of the Bayindulan Sag in Er'lian Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 105, pp.64-80.国外地学二区SCI.

42Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, Chen Jiahao, et al. Diagenetic differences in tight sandstone reservoirs in two delta fronts: an example from the Chang 4 and 5 members of the Yanchang Formation in the Longdong area, Ordos Basin, China. Arab. J. Geosci., 2018.11(22): 1-20.国外SCI.

41Zhu Shifa, Wang Xiaoxu, Qin Yi, et al. Occurrence and origin of pore-lining chlorite and its effectiveness on preserving porosity in sandstone of the middle Yanchang Formation in the southwest Ordos Basin. Applied Clay Science, 2017 (148): 25–38. 国外地学二区TOP.

40Zhu Shifa, Yue Hui, Zhu Xiaomin, et al. Dolomitization of felsic volcaniclastic rocks in continental strata: A study from the Lower Cretaceous of the A’nan Sag in Er’lian Basin, China. Sedimentary Geology. 2017, 353: 13-27. 国外地质学二区SCI.

39Zhu Shifa, Qin Yi, Zhu Xiaomin, et al. Origin of dolomitic rocks in the Lower Permian Fengcheng Formation, Junggar Basin, China: Evidence from petrology and geochemistry. Mineralogy and Petrology. 2017, 112 (2): 267–282. 国外SCI.

38Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, Liu Xin, et al. Authigenic minerals and diagenetic evolution in altered volcanic materials and their impacts on hydrocarbon reservoirs: Evidence from the Lower Permian in the northwestern margin of Junggar Basin, China. Arab. J. Geosci. 2016, 9(2): 1-19. 国外SCI.

37Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, Wang Xulong, et al. Zeolite diagenesis and its control on petroleum reservoir quality of Permian in northwestern margin of Junggar Basin, China. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2012, 55(3): 386-396. (二区SCI & EI). 朱世发,朱筱敏,王绪龙,等.准噶尔盆地西北缘二叠系沸石矿物成岩作用及对油气的意义.中国科学(地球科学版),2011, 41(11): 1602-1612.中文核心

This study was briefly introduced and described by Richard Worden(国际著名储层地质学家)et al. in the paper ‘Petroleum reservoir quality prediction: Overview and contrasting approaches from sandstone and carbonate communities’ published in Geological Society London Special Publications 435(1):SP435.21. DOI: 10.1144/SP435.21

36Zhu Shifa, Zhu XiaominNiuHuapeng, et al. Genetic mechanism of dolomitization in Fengcheng Formation in Wu-Xia area of Junggar Basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2012, 86(2): 447-461. (SCI).

35Zhu Shifa, Zhu Xiaomin, Liu Jishan, et al. Genesis and hydrocarbon significance of vesicular welded tuffs in Fengcheng Formation in Wu-Xia area, Junggar Basin. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2012, 39(2): 173-183. (SCI一区TOP & EI). 朱世发,朱筱敏,刘继山,等.富孔熔结凝灰岩成因及油气意义——以准噶尔盆地乌夏地区风城组为例.石油勘探与开发,201239(2):162-171.中文核心

This interesting study will be introduced and described in a new book ‘Volcanology: Processes, Deposits, Geology and Resources’ edited by Ray Cas, Guido Giordano, and John V. Wright(国际著名火山学家).This book is a substantially updated, revised and extended version of the book Volcanic Successions, published by Cas and Wright back in 1987. It will be published by Springer International Publishing on January 9, 2019.

34. Zhu Xiaomin (Supervisor)Zhu Shifa, Xian Benzhong, et al., Reservoir differences and formation mechanisms in the Ke-Bai overthrust belt, northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin, China. Petroleum Science, 2010, 7:40-48. TOP

33. Wei, W., Zhu, X., Azmy, K., Zhu, S., et al. (2020). Depositional and compositional controls on diagenesis of the mixed siliciclastic-volcaniclastic sandstones: A case study of the Lower Cretaceous in Erennaoer Sag, Erlian Basin, NE China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 188, 106855. 国外地学二区TOP.

32Li, W., Zhu, X., Liu, Q., Zhu, Set al. (2020). Lacustrine mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentary rocks in paleogene funing formation of the subei basin, eastern china: characteristics and origin. Interpretation, 9(2), 1-50. SCI

31Lai, J., Fan, X., Liu, B., Pang, X.Zhu, S., et al. (2020). Qualitative and quantitative prediction of diagenetic facies via well logs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 120(8), 104486. 国外地学二区SCI.

30Zhu X, Liu Q, Ge J, Dong Y, Zhu S, et al., (2019). Reconstruction of sediment-dispersal patterns using seismic sedimentology in the southeastern Zhanhua Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 182, 106335. 国外地学二区TOP.

29Wei, W., Zhu, X., Chen, D., Zhu, S., et al. (2019). Pore Fluid and Diagenetic Evolution of Carbonate Cements in Lacustrine Carbonate–siliciclastic Rocks: A Case from the Lower Cretaceous of the Erennaoer Sag, Erlian Basin, NE China. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 89(5), 459-477. 国外地学二区SCI

28Zhao, H., Zhu, X., Zhu, S.et al. (2019). Seismic geomorphology and depositional evolution of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation, Central-North Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12(2), 26. SCI

27Peng, B., Li, Z., Li, G., Liu, C., Zhu, S.et al. (2018). Multiple dolomitization and fluid flow events in the precambrian Dengying formation of Sichuan Basin, southwestern China. Acta Geologica SinicaEnglish Edition, 92(1), 311-332. SCI

26Tan, M., Zhu, X., Geng, M., Zhu, S., et al. (2017). The occurrence and transformation of lacustrine sediment gravity flow related to depositional variation and paleoclimate in the Lower Cretaceous Prosopis Formation of the Bongor Basin, Chad. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 134-148. SCI

25Wu, D., Zhao, D., Zhu, X., Li, Y., Ma, Y., Dong, Y., & Zhu, S. (2017). Sedimentology and seismic geomorphology of a lacustrine depositional system from the deep zone of the Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin, eastern China. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 64(2), 265-282. SCI

24Zhu, X., Li, S., Wu, D., Zhu, S., et al. (2017). Sedimentary characteristics of shallow-water braided delta of the Jurassic, Junggar basin, Western China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 149, 591-602. 国外地学二区TOP.

23Zhu, X., Zeng, H., Li, S., Dong, Y., Zhu, S., et al. (2017). Sedimentary characteristics and seismic geomorphologic responses of a shallow-water delta in the Qingshankou Formation from the Songliao Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 79, 131-148. 国外地学二区SCI.

22Zhu, X., Li, S., Zeng, H., Dong, Y., & Zhu, S. (2016). Identification Marks of Cretaceous ShallowWater Delta in the Songliao Basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), (6), 41. SCI

21Zhu, X. , Zhong, D. , Yuan, X. , Zhang, H. , Zhu, S. , et al. (2016). Development of sedimentary geology of petroliferous basins in China. Petroleum Exploration & Development, 43(5), 890-901. TOP

20Zhu, X. M., Zeng, H. L., Dong, Y. L., & Zhu, S. (2016). Stratal Slice Recognition of Thin Shallow-Water Delta Sandbodies in the Songliao Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 90(2), 763-764. SCI

19. 崔航朱世发施振生川北侏罗系大安寨段湖相混积层系沉积特征与发育模式[J]. 古地理学报, 2022. 24(6), 1099-1113. 中文核心

18. , 贾业,马立驰,.渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷中生界复杂岩性风化壳储层特征、质量控因与甜点模型[J].石油与天然气地质,2022,43(03):514-527. (EI)

17朱世发崔航陈嘉豪浅水三角洲沉积体系与储层岩石学特征——以鄂尔多斯盆地西部地区山1—盒8为例[J].沉积学报,2021,39(01):126-139. 中文核心该论文入选学术精要(202210-11月)高PCSI论文、高下载论文。

16贾业, 朱世发*,杨祎,佟欢,朱筱敏.中国陆相湖盆沉积岩中方沸石的产状、成分和成因[J].石油与天然气地质,2021,42(04):949-962. (EI)

15*贾业万超凡..济阳坳陷富林洼陷中生界复杂岩性风化壳储集层成岩作用研究. 古地理学报. 2020. 22(3): 555-569. 中文核心

14杨振朱世发*贾业.鄂尔多斯盆地天环坳陷北部山1-8段地层水地球化学特征及成因. 科学技术与工程. 2020. 20(7):2634-2642. 中文核心


12朱世发,朱筱敏,吴冬,等.准噶尔盆地西北缘下二叠统油气储层中火山物质蚀变及控制因素.石油与天然气地质,201435 (1): 77-85(EI)

11秦祎,朱世发(导师),朱筱敏,等.东营凹陷南缓坡浅水三角洲沉积特征与源-汇过程.地球科学, 2017 (41): 2081-2094. (EI)

10刘欣朱世发(导师), 杜建军柴北缘西段侏罗系沉积特征古地理学报, 2017, 19(4): 595-608.

9韦成杰(导师), 杜建军苏干湖盆地及毗邻柴北缘西段侏罗系残留地层发育特征地质力学学报, 2017, 23(3): 436-450.

8朱世发,刘欣,马勋,准噶尔盆地下二叠统风城组致密碎屑岩储层发育特征高校地质学报,2015, 03 :461-470. 中文核心

7朱世发刘欣朱筱敏准噶尔盆地克-百逆掩断裂带上下盘储层差异性及其形成机理沉积学报2015 , 33(1): 194-201. 中文核心

6朱世发徐黎明朱筱敏鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区延长组长4+5致密砂岩储层成岩作用特征岩性油气藏,2014, 26(3)22-28.中文核心

5朱筱敏刘英辉准噶尔盆地乌-夏地区风城组云质岩岩石学和岩石地球化学特征地质论评, 2014, 60(5)1113-1122. 中文核心

4朱世发,朱筱敏,陶文芳,等.准噶尔盆地乌-夏地区风城组云质岩类成因机制研究.高校地质学报,2013, 19(1):38-45.中文核心

3朱世发,朱筱敏,王一博,等.准噶尔盆地西北缘克百地区三叠系储层溶蚀作用特征及孔隙演化.沉积学报.2010, 28(3)547-555.中文核心

2,朱筱敏,鲜本忠,等.准噶尔盆地西北缘克百地区侏罗系储集层特征及主控因素分析.古地理学报,2009. 11(6)681-688.中文核心

1朱世发,朱筱敏,刘振宇,等.准噶尔盆地克-百地区侏罗系成岩作用及其对储层质量的影响.高校地质学报,2008, 14(2)172-180.中文核心



24. 四川盆地古生界海相页岩储层发育机理及有效性评价中国石油西南油气田“揭榜挂帅”科技攻关项目2023~2024负责人

23. 不同物源三角洲前缘砂岩储层致密化过程定量研究国家自然科学基金面上项目(418721022019~2022第一负责人

22. 火山物质蚀变的成岩演化过程、产物及对油气储层的影响国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(412021072013~2015第一负责人

21. 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师类)(201200071200042013~2015第一负责人


19. 仪陇—平昌地区侏罗系凉高山组页岩油气勘探潜力及甜点优选中石油勘探与开发研究院,2022第一负责人

18. 济阳坳陷沙四-孔店组成岩流体作用机制及有利储层发育模式研究中石化胜利油田,2020~2021第一负责人

17. 四川盆地仪陇—平昌地区侏罗系大安寨段页岩油气勘探潜力及甜点优选中石油勘探与开发研究院,2020~2021第一负责人

16. 济阳坳陷中生界有效储层成因机制研究,中石化胜利油田,2019~2020第一负责人

15. 低生烃强度区致密砂岩油气藏地层水赋存机理及分布规律,中石油勘探与开发研究院,2018-2019第一负责人


13. 国家重大油气专项子课题《南沙海域主要盆地沉积充填特征》,研究时间2011-2015年,子课题联系人、第二负责人

12. 国家重大油气专项子课题《坳陷湖盆地三维沉积体系模式与有利砂体分布规律研究》,研究时间2011-2015年,子课题联系人、第二负责人

11. 国家重大油气专项子课题《准噶尔盆地侏罗系陆相浅水富砂盆地层序地层模式与技术规范》,研究时间2011-2015年,子课题联系人、第二负责人

10. 国家973课题《库车坳陷克拉苏冲断带盐下碎屑岩储层成因机制与发育模式》,20112015,科研骨干。

9. 二连盆地特殊岩类储集层特征及其成因机制研究,华北油田研究院项目,2014.82015.12第二负责人

8. 敦煌盆地五墩凹陷侏罗系地震相分析及沉积体系预测,胜利油田西部研究院项目,2015.52015.12,负责人之一。

7. 垦西三合村地区沙三段沉积体系研究,胜利油田地质科学院项目,2014.12014.12第二负责人

6. 准噶尔盆地西北缘二叠系风城组致密油储层研究,新疆油田分公司项目,2012.52013.8第二负责人

5. 陇东地区长4+5储层综合评价及有利目标优选,长庆油田研究院项目,2012.52013.5第二负责人

4. 旅大10-1油田储层精细研究,中海油天津分公司项目,2012.32012.9,负责人之一。

3. 苏丹4区层序地层学综合研究,中油测井项目,2012.12012.8,负责人之一。

2. 滨里海盆地北鲁瓦油田阿西萨伊构造石炭系储层沉积特征研究,中石油CNODC项目,2011.82013.8,负责人之一。

1. HZ25-7及周边地区低孔低渗储层岩石学及沉积学研究,中海油深圳分公司项目,2012.62014.6,科研骨干、负责人之一。


1.朱世发主编沉积岩与沉积相中国石油大学出版社. 20159十二五规划教材

2.朱筱敏,张锐锋,朱世发二连盆地白垩系特殊岩类储层特征与成因机制科学出版社. 20186.

3.张琴主编朱世发参编普通地质学实验及课内实习指导书中国石油大学出版社. 201511. “十二五规划教材

4.朱筱敏译著朱世发参编地震沉积学译文集石油工业出版社. 2011. 译著

5.徐可强主编朱世发参编滨里海盆地东缘中区块油气成藏特征和勘探实践石油工业出版社. 2011. 专著



1., 王文禹.新冠疫情和低油价影响下石油地质专业研究生学习现状[J].黑龙江教育(理论与实践), 2021(02): 34-35.

2.朱世发朱筱敏王晓旭,探讨沉积岩教学薄片的常见问题[J]. 教育教学论坛, 2018(28)61-62.

3.朱世发朱筱敏董艳蕾野外地质教学实习课程的考核方式改革探索[J]. 教育教学论坛, 2015, 35:107-108.

4.朱世发, 朱筱敏,董艳蕾,等.提高沉积岩与沉积相教学质量的原则与措施——基于石油高校勘查技术与工程专业.中国石油大学学报(社会科学版).2014S1, 60-62.

5.朱筱敏朱世发董艳蕾,《层序地层学》重点课程建设[J]. 教育教学论坛, 2018(22): 57-58.

6.朱筱敏, 艳蕾, 庆宾季汉地质创新班研讨式教学改革实践探讨[J]. 中国地质教育, 2014, 02:46-48.

7.朱筱敏朱世发国家精品课程沉积岩石学教学改革研究.中国石油大学学报(社会科学版). 2012S2,73-76.
