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  • 2005-09至2008-07, 中国石油大学(北京), 油气储运, 博士研究生
  • 2002-09至2005-07, 中国石油大学(北京), 油气储运, 硕士研究生
  • 1998-09至2002-07, 中国石油大学(华东), 油气储运, 大学本科







1. Lili Zuo*, Antai Jin, Qian Chen, Qinlong Dong, Yuanxin Li, Sirui Zhao. Simulation on venting process and valve opening control method for gas trunk pipelines[J]. Petroleum Science, 2022, 19(6): 3016-3028.

2. Lili Zuo*, Qi Zhang, Chengwei Sun, Xiaosong Zhu, Changchun Wu. Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Experiment on the Microscopic Mechanism of the Effect of Wax Crystals on the Burst and Drainage of Foams[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(11): 6778.

3. Lili Zuo, Chunlei Zheng*, Xingqiao Hu, Shengjie Du, Yun Zhao, Fan Fei. Evaluation of Corrosion Residual Life Prediction Methods for Metal Pipelines[J]. Materials, 2022, 15(16): 5624.

4. Lili Zuo*, Sirui Zhao, Yaxin Ma, Fangmei Jiang, Yue Zu. Natural Gas Hydrate Prediction and Prevention Methods of City Gate Stations[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 2021: 5977460.

5. Lili Zuo*; Xiaokai Xing; Yue Zhang; Chunbo Feng; Destruction of Static CO2-Flooded Crude Oil Foams by Ultrasonic Vibration, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2017, 42:1679-1685.

6. Lili Zuo*, Changchun Wu, Song Liu, Yong Jiang, Xiaorui Zhang. Predicting Monthly Energy Consumption of Crude Oil Pipelines Using Process Simulation and Optimization[100]// 2018 12th International Pipeline Conference. 2018.

7. Qi Zhang, Lili Zuo*, Changchun Wu, Xiaosong Zhu, Chengwei Sun. The evolution and influence factors of CO2 flooding crude oil defoaming behavior after depressurization[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021(7):108996.

8. Qi Zhang, Lili Zuo*, Changchun Wu, Chengwei Sun, Xiaosong Zhu. Effects of crude oil characteristics on foaming and defoaming behavior at separator during CO2 flooding[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 608: 125562-.

9. Qian Chen, Lili Zuo*, Changchun Wu*, Yankai Cao, Yaran Bu, Rehan Sadiq. Supply reliability assessment of a gas pipeline network under stochastic demands [J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2021; 209: 107482.

10. Qian Chen, Lili Zuo*, Changchun Wu*, Yaran Bu, Yifei Lu, Yanfei Huang, Feng Chen. Short-term supply reliability assessment of a gas pipeline system under demand variations [J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2020; 202: 107004. 

11. Qian Chen, Lili Zuo*, Changchun Wu*, Yaran Bu, Yanfei Huang, Feng Chen, Jie Chen. Supply adequacy assessment of the gas pipeline system based on the Latin hypercube sampling method under random demand [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2019; 71:102965. 

12. 左丽丽, 王珑云佳, 雷宏峰, 孙恒, 潘彪, 田望, 郭宇飞, 孙晓阳, 吴晓飞, 郝千千. 天然气管线计划性放空回收数值仿真模拟[J]. 天然气工业, 2025, 45(1): 175-186.

13. 左丽丽*, 戴材炜, 赵思睿, 张福坤, 周美领, 王武昌. 分枝定界法与内点法耦合的含环路输气管网运行优化, 油气储运, 2023, 42(3): 343-351.

14. 左丽丽*, 孙成威, 张琦, 崔轩榕. 基于降压发泡装置对CO2驱原油发泡特性的研究[J]. 石油机械, 2021,49(06):104-109+115.

15. 张琦, 左丽丽*, 吴长春, 韩道明, 朱小松. 原油泡沫稳定特性研究进展, 油气田地面工程, 2020, 39(02):5-9.


1. 左丽丽, 孙恒, 苏怀, 董绍华, 荣广新, 高小雨. 一种无内筒的混气筒和混气装置以及天然气掺氢的混气方法, 2023-6-30, ZL202210388234.2.

2. 左丽丽, 宁立秋, 蒋方美. 一种使用截断阀处压降速率检测干线输气管道泄漏的方法, 2022-08-02, ZL202111386755.6.

3. 左丽丽, 崔轩榕, 邢颜凝, 张琦. 一种CO2驱原油分离发泡性能测试装置, 2017.07.12, ZL201720845259.5.

4. 左丽丽, 崔轩榕. 一种非混相大流量差两相流体的体积计量装置, 2016.03.30, ZL201520872952.2.


1. 左丽丽(6/15); 智慧燃气管网安全运行保障关键技术与装备及工业化应用, 北京市人民政府, 科技进步, 省部一等奖, 2022

2. 左丽丽(9/15); 海底管道完整性关键技术与装备研发及工业化应用, 中国石油和化学工业联合会, 科技进步, 省部一等奖, 2021

3. 左丽丽(1/6); 油气管道输送过程安全监控技术及应用,中国发明协会发明创业奖·成果奖,一等奖,2020

4. 左丽丽(6/10); 高凝原油管道预热投产与低输量运行技术及应用,中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步奖,二等奖,2014

5. 左丽丽(3/10); 中国石油主干输气管网优化运行技术研究,中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步奖,二等奖,2010


(1)担任《Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering》、《油气田地面工程》等学术期刊审稿人 
